Fri 03 Jan
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JORDYN JENKINS & CASSIDY CANE*~ TUES 1/10 ONLY!! PRE-BOOKING NOW!!! - 27
(Omaha, OMAHA, NE)
________ UpScalE BlonDe For Your PLeAsuRe!!!!! _______ REAL AND GENUINE PICS - 21
(Omaha, Information Is a Call Away)
**~Something that you won't FORGET!!! Brown Sugar**~ CALL ME!!!!! - 22
(Omaha, Omaha,NE (IN-CALL ONLY))
SoOoOo YUMMY ~Come GET A TASTE ____ SUPER Naúghtÿ BLONDE ____ Playful & Passionate $100 Special - 23
🍓❤️🍓SWEET 100hlf & 175hr spcl!!! ♥️Come Get your Bree Fix!!!! Hosting 9am-10pm Everyday!!! - 26
(Omaha, Millard)
(Sexy red) Call Me.. $100 special is back! ALL NIGHT ! 402-637-1747 - 25
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Cities)
~*~Tickle your fancy, mess up my hair~*~ Have me as you please, just handle with care! - 20
Smoking Hot, Exotic, and Very Addictive
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, hotel room)
Take a first class flight to pleasure island & let me b that spice u need n your life - 22
***Sexxy HOT Exotic Tropical Barbie $1@@ SPECIALS Call NOW * - 24
(Omaha, Omaha/Lincoln/Council Bluffs/Fremont)
Sexy and Curvy $100 Specials!!! Sexy****Alyssa No Texting!!! 402-637-1747 - 23
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Cities)
RevWd & LeGiT *** ThICk aNd BuSTy sWeeT & SeXy AsiAn *** PuRe FiLipiNa DeLighT *** - 26
(Omaha, Northwest Omaha -Incalls-)
~*~Sweet and Petite, a professional treat!~*~ Let's have some fun, and let's be discreet- - 21
(Omaha, Call with any questions!)
Right Now! * Super Hot * Blazing * Special's * You Can't Beat~ 65- Incall Only - 21
(Omaha, incall/north omaha)
SEDUCTIVE EYES, gorgeous body, flirty, passionate and playful! - 19
(Grand Island, In town, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
Sweet you will not regret seeing me
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ❗╠╣ot!🌟╠╣ot! 🌟╠╣ot! ➡➡ SEXY‼(๏人 ๏)& (_I_) REAL PICS🌟 ♥ ✘-✘-✘ - 22
(Incall & Outcall, Omaha)
-:¦:-•*SÕ MÅNY• ° o♥o°• ChÕIc€S but• °o♥o°•NÕN€ LiK€•°o♥o°• ME! •100% ReAl PiCtUreS - 26
(Omaha, West Omaha)
******* SEXY ALERT!!****** HOT GIRL ALERT****** ~*~ Don't Miss Out On This!! ~*~ - 29
(Omaha, West Omaha)
o^*o^*o^*o^*o ArE yOu In nEeD oF sOmE cALiFoRnIa SuNsHiNe OnLy FeW hOuRs LeFt o^*o^*o^*o^*o - 26
▃▆💖💛💖▓ SPECIAL ▆▓▓💖▓▓▆ 💕TREAT YOURSELF ▃▆▓▓💖▓▓▆▃ SWEET&JUICY; ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ ☏ CALL NOW ▃▆▓▓ - 22
(Omaha, Omaha Ne)
SUNDAY FUNDAY~ Treat Yourself~ Renata Out To Play All Day ~ Girl Next Door Full of Surprises - 28
(Omaha, Great Entertainment 4 Upscale Gentlemen)
██████ █████Outcalls Omaha for Only the Best 24/7 Call Now for your personal private entertainment - 26
(Omaha, Outcalls Omaha)
•••►•••►•••► SHE'S A ➓!!!! 💋💋💋 Stunning Blonde 💋💋💋 ➓ HEART STOPPING ➓ GREAT REViEWS! - til sat - 27
(Omaha, (Incall only)airport/downtown (no text))
stop being fooled, their pics aren't real , mine are!! 💋incalls Avαiℓαbℓe 🍑 Βυsτy Filipino🍒 - 27
(Omaha, Outcalls only, incalls for references✌)